Typical Investor funded projects
Project Cost $160,000
Includes Land (40,000) + Home (90,000) + Home Installation (30.000)
LESS Buyer Down Payment (20,000)
Balance 140,000
Management fee (10% of balance) 14,000
Investor capital (70% of balance = 61% LTV) 98,000
Home Nation capital (30% of balance) 42,000
Net to Investor at Buyer’s loan closing in
approximately 90 - 120 days
(50% of Management fee) $7,000
Project Cost (SeeSample VA Loan Pre-Approval Document) 267,000
Less Buyer down payment (1,000)
Management fee(@10%) 26,000
Investor capital (@70% = 63% LTV) 187,000
Home Nation capital (@30%) 80,000
Net to Investor at loan closing in
approximately 90 - 120 days
(50% of Management fee) $13,350